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Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2021

Time Warrior : How to Defeat Procrastination, People-pleasing, Self-doubt, Over-commitment, Broken Promises and Chaos (9781600250378)

Steve Chandler, bestselling author of 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, has created this newest title for the many of us who are time challenged throughout the day. Chandler's Time Warrior gives us a revolutionary, non-linear approach for dealing with time, as bold as it is fresh and new. Forget whatever "guidebooks" you may have read on time management or personal productivity. Time Warrior is much more than tips and tricks. Steve Chandler has given us an invitation - as well as a challenge - to become something far greater than we are now. To become, in essence, a "style tracker" rather than a "time tracker." Tracking your cognitive style is what makes you a Time Warrior, for only your unique cognitive style can liberate you from the treadmill of linear, limited time. This book takes you on a 101-chapter journey intended to transmute the base metals of ordinary linear time-consciousness into the gold of the Time Warrior's non-linear vision. You wil...

Langenscheidt Italienische Grammatik - kurz und schmerzlos - Buch mit Übungen zum Download (3468348657)

Nicht Regeln pauken, sondern sprechen lernen - die Grammatik mit dem kommunikativen Ansatz orientiert sich an lebensnahen Gesprächssituationen. Alles, was Sie dafür an Grammatik brauchen, in leicht verdaulichen Portionen aufbereitet. Witziger Einstieg mit Cartoons Die wichtigsten Themen zuerst - vom Einfachen zum Komplexen Immer im Blick: konkrete Anwendungssituationen Alltagsnahe Beispiele und viele Übungen Alle Wörter und Wendungen mit Übersetzung Zusätzliche Übungen zum Downloaden Product details Format Paperback | 200 pages Dimensions 123 x 190 ...


Geller encourages his readers to discover how positive thinking can help to overcome obstacles; to find the secret mind switch that turns off stress; and how to supercharge one's will power. Product details Format Paperback | 170 pages Dimensions 79 x 109 x 6.35mm | 52g Publication date 01 Aug 1999 ...

Shit Happens So Get Over It (9781849531320)

`You may not realise it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you' - Walt Disney. Ever had one of those days when it felt like the whole world was conspiring against you? So what if you've just wrapped your new car round a lamp post, emailed your personal snaps to the entire company by mistake or delivered a eulogy with your flies undone: s**t happens get over it! Here is a book packed with quotations to help you see the funny side. Product details Format Hardback | 160 pages Dimensions 100 x 168 ...

Kompaß Neurologie : Systemorientierte Diagnostik und Akuttherapie, kurze Krankheitssystematik (9783131099815)

Ausgehend von den Symptomen und bestimmten Krankheitsbildern können mit diesem Kompaß Diagnosen eingegrenzt und schnell geeignete Therapien gefunden werden. Am Anfang steht der symptomorientierte Zugang: auf der Grundlage der ersten klinischen Orientierung werden Diagnosen und Differentialdiagnosen systematisch eingegrenzt und konkrete Hinweise für die richtige Akuttherapie gegeben. Der zweite Teil des Buches bietet eine vollständige, kompakte Krankheitslehre. Product details Format Paperback | 310 pages Dimensions 110 x 179 x 1...

Atomic Habits : The life-changing million copy bestseller (9781847941831)

THE PHENOMENAL INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER - 1 MILLION COPIES SOLD Transform your life with tiny changes in behaviour, starting now. People think that when you want to change your life, you need to think big. But world-renowned habits expert James Clear has discovered another way. He knows that real change comes from the compound effect of hundreds of small decisions: doing two push-ups a day, waking up five minutes early, or holding a single short phone call. He calls them atomic habits. In this ground-breaking book, Clears reveals exactly how these minuscule changes can grow into such life-altering outcomes. He uncovers a handful of simple life hacks (the forgotten art of Habit Stacking, the unexpected power of the Two Minute Rule, or the trick to entering the Goldilocks Zone), and delves into cutting-edge psychology and neuroscience to explain why they matter. Along the way, he tells inspiring stories of Olympic gold medalists, leading CEOs, and distinguished scientists who have used t...

Mixed (9781509871346)

The Blues, Reds and Yellows lived in harmony. Reds were the loudest, Yellows the brightest and Blues were the coolest. However when one of the colours proclaims they are the best, discord breaks out and eventually the colours decide to live in different parts of the city. Then one day a Yellow befriends a Blue and they become inseparable, discovering a world of different possibilities and colours. From the brilliantly talented Arree Chung comes a sweet tale of difference and acceptance. Mixed is a charming and timely story with characterful illustrations and humour. Product details Format Paperback | 40 pages Dimensions ...

Das Grossmeister Turnier New York 1924 : Im Auftrage des Tunier-Komitees mit einem Geleitwort von Kurt Richter und einem eröffnungtheoretischen Beitrag von Dr. Max Euwe (3940417750)

Das internationale Turnier in New York 1924 zählt fraglos zu den bedeutendsten Turnieren der Schachgeschichte. In einem 31-tägigen Kräftemessen sollten nochmals, 10 Jahre nach St. Petersburg 1914, die drei Schachgiganten dieser Epoche aufeinandertreffen: Neben dem amtierenden Weltmeister José R. Capablanca waren sein entthronter Vorgänger Emanuel Lasker und der künftige Champion Alexander Aljechin angetreten, eine Auswahl hochrangiger Meister aus den USA und Europa komplettierte das elfköpfige Teilnehmerfeld. Das doppelrundig ausgetragene Turnier war auch theoretisch bedeutsam in der Auseinandersetzung mit den damals revolutionären hypermodernen Ideen in der Eröffnung. Weithin unerwartet wurde das Turnier zum wohl größten Triumph des 55-jährigen Lasker, der mit einem phänomenalen 80%-Ergebnis und 1 Punkten Vorsprung seinen Rivalen Capablanca distanzieren konnte. Es ist der Verdienst des drittplatzierten Aljechin, dieses Ereignis in einer würdigen literarischen Form für die Nachwelt au...

My Hero Academia, Vol. 23 (9781974709663)

Midoriya inherits the superpower of the world's greatest hero, but greatness won't come easy. What would the world be like if 80 percent of the population manifested superpowers called "Quirks"? Heroes and villains would be battling it out everywhere! Being a hero would mean learning to use your power, but where would you go to study? The Hero Academy of course! But what would you do if you were one of the 20 percent who were born Quirkless? The final match of the battle training between Class A and Class B continues. Zapped by Shinso's mind control, Midoriya enters a fugue state where he meets one of the former users of One For All. What powerful Quirks have yet to be unlocked? Midoriya will surely need the full potential of One For All someday, but in the meantime, a new enemy-the Meta Liberation Army-begins to make its moves. Product details Format ...

Reiki Y Gemas : dos almas gemelas (9798670378529)

Desde tiempos muy lejanos las civilizaciones antiguas (egipcias, mayas y atlantes), utilizaron las piedras con fines mágicos, místicos y curativos.La gemoterapia utiliza la energía que contienen las piedras facilitando la capacidad de autocuración que todos los seres humanos poseemos.Este libro contiene el desarrollo de los siguientes temas: Amuletos y Talismanes. El poder curativo de las piedras preciosas. Protecciones con cristales. Reiki con gemas. Cómo lograr una conexión con los guías espirituales a través de los símbolos del reikiCon este libro usted aprenderá el valor y las técnicas curativas de las gemas. Descargue ya este libro y comience a aprender el poder de los cristales.TAGS: reikitalismanespoder curativocentros de energíaschakrassanación energeticacristales Product details Format Paperback ...

Daily Rituals : Positive Affirmations to Attract Love, Happiness and Peace (9780995411982)

Would you like to attract more abundance? More love, more happiness and more peace? It is possible and available to you right now, if you believe it to be true. Positive energy in our lives vibrate at a high frequency. By radiating this frequency first, you will magnetically attract the same positive energy in return, thus amplifying and intensifying these loving vibrations in abundance. And this can be easily achieved by controlling your thoughts in the repetition of uplifting affirmations. Every morning upon rising, open your Daily Rituals book at random, or choose a word from the contents that you are drawn to. Read the positive affirmation and allow yourself time to be transparent with the truth. Follow through with the exercises beneath. Practice these rituals regularly to raise your vibration and your mind will be trained to think positive thoughts from the moment you wake up to the second you fall asleep, promoting and attracting an affluence of positive energy, health, happines...

Study Guide for Lehne's Pharmacology for Nursing Care (0323595448)

Learn to connect pharmacology concepts with their impact on patient care! Designed to accompany Lehne's Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 10th Edition, this robust workbook - study guide features critical thinking study questions, case studies, and detailed patient teaching scenarios. The 10th edition includes an increased emphasis on patient safety, with added questions to help you learn to spot and remediate medication errors. Plus, an emphasis on priority nursing care with NCLEX (R) examination-style review questions prepares you for success on the exam. NCLEX (R)-style alternate format questions, including prioritization questions, bolster your readiness for the NCLEX Exam while supporting review of core pharmacology content. Reinforcement of key information equips you for success on the NCLEX Examination and for patient safety (a QSEN core competency) in clinical practice. Three-part chapter organization separates content into study questions, NCLEX review and application quest...

The Intelligent Investor (9780060555665)

The classic bestseller by Benjamin Graham, "The Intelligent Investor" has taught and inspired hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Since its original publication in 1949, Benjamin Graham's book has remained the most respected guide to investing, due to his timeless philosophy of "value investing", which helps protect investors against the areas of possible substantial error and teaches them to develop long-term strategies with which they will be comfortable down the road. Over the years, market developments have borne out the wisdom of Graham's basic policies, and in today's volatile market, "The Intelligent Investor" is the most important book you will ever read on making the right decisions to protect your investments and make them a success. Featuring new chapter updates - which append every chapter of Graham's book, leaving his original text untouched - from noted financial journalist Jason Zweig, this HarperBusiness Essentials...

UNIX Network Programming, Volume 2 : Interprocess Communications (Paperback) (0132974290)

W. Richard Stevens' UNIX Network Programming has long been the classic in its field. Now, Stevens has tripled the coverage of interprocess communications, giving the topic a volume of its own. Virtually very major application today uses IPC -- from spreadsheets to air traffic control systems. For UNIX programmers working with IPC, especially those using the Posix threads standard, this is the most comprehensive tutorial and reference available.KEY TOPICS:This volume is a complete rewrite and expansion of Chapters 3 and 18 from the 1990 edition of UNIX Network Programming. In additional to covering the three forms of System V IPC (message queues, semaphores and shared memory), Stevens systematically reviews the superior new POSIX functions that implement each form of IPX. POSIX functions for synchronization are also covered, including mutex locks, condition variables, and read-write locks. Stevens shows how these can be used to synchronize threads, processes, and access to shared me...

Chakras : Correspondencias Y Vitalidad Energetica (9789876343299)

Many civilizations have noted the energy that the universe provides. The ancient Chinese had their concept of Chi, on which they based much of their traditional medicine; the Japanese termed the concept Ki, while the Hindus called it Prana. This book offers a journey through the seven Hindu chakras with the aim of reaching true vitality. Product details Format Paperback | 224 pages Dimensions 170 x 239 x 19.05mm | 82g ...

Easy French Step-by-Step (9780071453875)

Learn French step-by-step and soon you'll be making leaps and bounds Your quickest route to learning French is through a solid grounding in grammar basics. Now don't be put off by the "G-word." What you won't find in this book is a lot of repetitive drills. Instead, you get an original, step-by-step approach to learning French based on the way people naturally acquire language. From the very beginning, you are introduced to the most essential structures--allowing you to communicate in French almost immediately. Gradually, through a series of interconnected "steps," you logically progress to more common concepts that govern how French is spoken and written. And along the way you are introduced to hundreds of carefully selected verbs and vocabulary words presented on the basis of how often they are used in everyday French. Guaranteed to get you quickly up and running with the knowledge and skills you need to communicate in French with confidence, Easy Fr...

Wege 2015 (3838415345)

Das Original und ein Topseller seit mehr als 15 Jahren. Stimmungsvolle Fotografie zum Thema Der Weg ist das Ziel . Product details Format Calendar | 14 pages Dimensions 490 x 550 x 10mm | 970g Publication date 16 Jul 2014 Publisher ...

The Reformation : How a Monk and a Mallet Changed the World (9781581348293)

Mention history and some might struggle to stifle a yawn. But when presented as a narrative it can often be compelling reading. Stephen J. Nichols takes a key period in time, the Reformation, and presents its major players in a fresh way. From Martin Luther, a simple monk who wielded the mallet, to kings and queens, this book goes behind the scenes to uncover the human side of these larger-than-life Reformers. Along the way readers meet Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin, Kings Henry VIII and Edward VI, Lady Jane Grey, Anne Bradstreet, and many others. For those wanting to see history in its context, Nichols also provides a sampling of primary source materials. It is an engaging read that will remind readers of the foundational truths that can never be taken for granted by the church in any age. Includes numerous illustrations. Product details Format ...