The Guidance Counselor's Guide to Digital Portfolios : Tools for Helping Students Make and Expand Free Websites (Third Edition) (9781537384573) > get the free ebook An electronic portfolio (also known as an eportfolio, e-portfolio, digital portfolio, or online portfolio) is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Such electronic evidence may include input text, electronic files, images, multimedia, blog entries, and hyperlinks. Digital portfolios can be free websites. You can learn more about Free Websites and how to make and maintain the website by going to: What do experts say about portfolios? Portfolios are used by artists to show potential clients examples of their style of work. Students who are applying for a job or a space in a college or university can show some of their abilities with examples of past academic work. See examples of portfolios at High Tech High Why buy the book? Download this free ebook at Contents 1 What is a PORTFOLIO? 2 What do experts say about p...