"Frost sees all healing as coming from God. Miraculous indicates that healing takes place apart from means. He is anxious to "hold all truth in careful equipoise" and writes "in constant prayer". "He presents five cases of healing in which he was involved and parallels them with five cases where the same conditions obtained but healing did not occur. That drove him to bring his belief to the test of the Word of God. "He looks carefully at the teaching of those who claim that the wholeness of salvation includes physical healing for all as well as spiritual. He examines the texts they use and points out where they appear to err, weighing up the arguments for inevitable healing. He sees the Epistle of James as being written to an emerging Jewish Christian church, "spiritually undeveloped", and the instructions in chapter five permissive rather than mandatory. "The post-Resurrection promises apply to the apostles only. Miracles were to prov...
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